Living Sacrifices to God
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:1-2
Listen as Pastor Gerry and his wife Peggy talk about their journey from darkness to light as they empathetically recount the hopelessness that so many who come to U-Turn for Christ have experienced.
He explains how using and selling drugs almost completely destroyed their family. But God... He intervened and brought salvation and hope.
Our prayer is that you will allow God to move in your heart in much the same way He did in their story, as you recognize the same God that brought them out of darkness is inviting you into the Light today. God bless you as you watch this powerful testimony.
Welcome to U-Turn For Christ Colorado
U-Turn For Christ is a Christ - centered discipleship program dealing with men who are seeking restoration from drug and alcohol addiction through our Lord Jesus Christ. Our program is based entirely on the Word of God, the Bible, and all counsel originates from it.
Our experience has been that with a solid grounding in the Bible and good Christian living skills, numerous men and women have been able to become productive, vital members of their community. Our primary focus is to establish, or strengthen, a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only way to experience true freedom from the bondage of the sin of addiction.
Why U-Turn For Christ Colorado?

Art G
God gave me life through U-Turn for Christ. I learned to grow in His grace and be the servant He called me to be.

Charlie S
When I first came to U-Turn, I was scared. For the first time in my life I was going to let someone else fix my problems, and that person was going to be Jesus. I now have a relationship and have truly surrendered.

Tony A
By the grace of God, and my time at U-Turn for Christ, I was freed from the bondage of addiction. God set me a new path and I continue to live for Jesus.

Tyler R
Through U-Turn, God delivered me from opioid addiction and has given me an opportunity to serve and help others